Create your wallet

Set your password

First, choose a strong password.

As you type, you'll see the password strength indicator change colour. The length of the password and the presence of mixed alphanumeric characters will determine the strength of the password.

By ticking the mandatory box, you agree to be bound by Metamask's terms and conditions.

Please note that if you forget your password, you won't be able to recover it!

Secret Recovery Phrase

The next screen will guide us through setting up a security system to protect our wallet and assets.

Click on "Secure my wallet."

The "Reveal Seed Phrase" button will reveal a phrase consisting of 12 words distributed in a specific order.

Write down the phrase in a safe place and press 'Next'.

Warning: these words and their order will uniquely identify your wallet, they are not recoverable in any way and will be requested each time you install Metamask on new devices.

As the final step in creating your new wallet, you will be asked to enter some of the words shown on the previous screen in the correct order. Enter them and press the 'Next' button.

Note: The words are in English, single words and in lower case. If you notice words that have been translated into other languages, check that no automatic translation extensions such as Google Translate are active. If so, temporarily disable them.

Last updated