Spaces and lands

Although the possibilities for creation and customisation are almost identical, there are, as expected, some differences between virtual scenes and land.

Spaces are separate microcosms, not connected to each other or to surrounding virtual worlds. They can be shared via a direct URL and are ideal for creating experiences and events tailored to a specific audience.

Lands, on the other hand, are true virtual parcels of land on the blockchain, with ownership rights held through smart contracts. Plots are located using coordinates within an open virtual map: the Open World. This world is accessible and explorable by any user on the platform: owning land within a shared space thus offers various opportunities in terms of visibility and awareness, as one's virtual terrain and the experiences it contains can be visited and enjoyed by a potentially infinite number of users. In addition, as property, land has a real value that can be increased, allowing it to be traded as a commodity for rent or sale to third parties.

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