Website integration

One of the most useful features if you want to present and promote your business within your virtual scene is to use 'informative' elements directly from the Builder that users can interact with.

You can use three types of elements for this purpose:

  • Details: you can find them in the 'Features' -> 'Contents' section. Once placed, it appears as a small circle on the floor and users can interact with it using the E key, similar to other interactive elements.

Details element

When the user approaches this element and clicks the E key, an iframe is displayed with an image, a description and two buttons leading to different URLs, plus a third link placed in the iframe footer.

Coderblock Info displayed

Roll up, banner and walls: these are graphic elements that display an image and also link to a URL when the user interacts with them by pressing the E key.


Note: Not all walls offer this functionality, only the interactive ones. Remember that interactive objects of any type are visually identified in the Builder by a light blue background and a ⚡️ icon.

  • Stands: There are several sizes available, all of which are capable of displaying graphics in different spaces according to the dimensions of the stand. They also integrate the functions of the Details element. When you interact with the E button on the stand, the iframe described above appears, offering the same customization options.


These interactions not only enrich the user experience, but also provide creative opportunities to promote your business and engage visitors as they explore virtual worlds!

Last updated