Open World

The Open World is the main virtual world of Coderblock, consisting of an interconnected network of virtual terrains called Lands.

It is an open map that can be explored virtually, where the location of each land is represented by specific coordinate pairs.

Lands in the Open World can be owned by Landowners or by Coderblock itself: on privately owned Lands, Landowners build virtual scenes and experiences independently, while on Coderblock-owned Lands, virtual scenes represent cities within the Coderblock universe.

Among the most important cities in the Coderblock universe are Oasis, where interesting events and initiatives take place, and Hexagon, the capital and central city on the map. Both will play a crucial role in Coderblock's first official video game, which is currently in development. In this world, the evening brings a dark sky full of stars, making for a magical experience!

Following this guide, you can enter the Open World and begin exploring it immediately, moving freely between the lands that make it up.

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