Content Rules

At Coderblock, we are committed to promoting safe experiences. In line with our commitment to sharing, it is our responsibility to enforce a set of content guidelines. If a scene violates our guidelines, or if a user is behaving inappropriately within your scene, you can report it directly to our team at

  • It is prohibited to post content that offers, promotes or encourages illegal activities such as piracy, crime, terrorism, obscenity, child pornography, gambling and the use of illegal drugs.

  • Explicitly sexual content, including pornography, sexual acts, nudity and sexual services, including solicitations and offers related to such content, is strictly prohibited.

  • Cruel or hateful content or activities that may harm, harass, promote, encourage, facilitate or justify discrimination, denigration, objectification or violence against individuals or groups based on race, ethnic origin, religion, nationality, disability, sex, age, veteran status, physical characteristics, medical condition, sexual orientation, gender or gender identity are prohibited.

  • Any content or activity that may harm, harass, promote, encourage, facilitate or justify violence against animals is strictly prohibited.

Accounts associated with such content or activity will be suspended or terminated depending on the severity of the actions.

Last updated