Land editor


The page you see is very simple and intuitive and allows you to customize the four distinctive elements of your land on the map.

You can return to your properties by clicking the button at the top right of the screen.

At the top you will see a dynamic map (you can navigate with the mouse and zoom with the scroll wheel). Your location is highlighted in magenta.

Editing the attributes of the selected parcel is very intuitive: just click in the appropriate fields to change the title and description.

The favicon is what identifies your lands on the map at a glance: please respect the 512x512px limit when uploading your image! You can also upload PNGs with a transparent background.

Do the same with the thumbnail and don't forget to save your changes.

To see the result visit:

Add personality to your land

Once you are familiar with this tool, go back to the management and overview of your properties to customize them all.

This tool is not only aesthetic: it will help you to be recognized, to attract new clients and to manage your properties faster by taking advantage of the overview.

If you have your own business, you can customize your property by adding your company logo as a "favicon", naming your property, and adding a description.

Now that you are familiar with the land management section, it is time to build!

Last updated