Builder Tool

Land management through the Land Editor is purely an administrative activity. The activities of creating the spaces and experiences that you will design for your users are handled by the Builder, a powerful tool that allows you to edit your virtual environment without any additional software and without any previous experience in 3D.

From the control panel, click on the second item on the menu, My Scenes, and then click on Lands.

The form that appears is critical and will determine what your users read on the Welcome page when they enter the environment. So choose a name and description for your project. Fill in the fields and click Next.

You will then need to select your lands directly on the map. Available lands will appear in white, and selected lands will appear in red.

N.B.: If you have lands from Season 1, remember to drag the map to the bottom right to display that portion of the map.

You can select more than one land, as long as they are contiguous. Therefore, it is not possible to select two or more plots that are far apart in the same building event.


Note: You can have multiple scenes on the same lands, and each time you start a new project, the lands are always available. You can then create virtual scenes for specific events and save them in your personal gallery for future use. Just remember that you have to Publish the scene you want to display in the Open World!

Follow this detailed guide to create your own virtual experiences with Coderblock Studio's Builder!

Last updated