Coderblock Lands

What are Lands?

Lands are virtual parcels of terrain represented by coordinates on an open and explorable map called the Open World, where you can build all kinds of virtual scenes using Coderblock Studio technology.

They are represented by non-fungible tokens (NFT) on the Polygon blockchain and their ownership is guaranteed by a smart contract.

You can find a detailed article on what Lands are here.

How many types of land are there?

There are 5 types of land based on their terrain:

  • Water

  • Grass

  • Sand

  • City

  • Street

The first three (water, grass and sand) can be built on by their owners. A plot of land owned by a landowner belongs to one of these three types.

The last two (city and street) are reserved for the Coderblock team, who use them to build cities and connections.

Who are landowners and why is it beneficial to become one?

A Landowner is defined as someone who owns at least one plot of land.

Once you become a Landowner, you can build as many virtual scenes as you like on your lands, establish your presence in the metaverse, and access a number of benefits detailed HERE.

Can I host events on my lands?

Of course you can! Within your Lands, you can create virtual scenes to host events such as trade shows, webinars, concerts, and exhibitions, attracting attendees from all over the world.

There is no limit to the number of users you can host on your Land and therefore your events.

You can also sell tickets to these events on external sites such as EventBrite or MeetUp, or generate revenue from exhibitors and sponsors.

How can I buy lands?

To become a landowner, i.e. the owner of at least one plot of land, you can participate in one of the official season sales and buy plots of land that do not yet have an owner, or you can visit the secondary market and buy lands that are being sold by users who have previously purchased them or won them through contests.

Season 1 is still open, so you can buy a new land by following this guide, which also tells you where to buy on the secondary market.

You can use a credit/debit card, PayPal or cryptocurrency to buy a land and become a landowner!

What is the difference between virtual scenes and lands?

Although the capabilities and creation methods are the same, there is a significant difference between Scenes and Lands.

Scenes are separate virtual microcosms that are not connected to each other and can only be accessed via a direct link. They are also accessible to a maximum number of users (CCU), depending on the subscription plan selected in Coderblock Studio.

Lands, on the other hand, are virtual parcels of terrain where property rights are held, registered through smart contracts on a blockchain and represented by coordinates within an open map: the Open World. All Lands are interconnected to form the Open World, Coderblock's main virtual world, which can be explored by moving from Land to Land or by reaching a specific Land using its coordinates. There is no limit to the number of users who can access lands.

I'm on the fence about buying land. Can I see someone else's creations?

Of course you can! Click HERE to see the fantastic creations our Landowners have made on their own lands.

For more inspiration on what you can build on your lands, you can also take a look at the Coderblock HUB, the showcase where we display virtual scenes for sale by our Creators.

Can I combine multiple lands into a single property?

Yes, it is possible to combine two or more Lands to create a new unique virtual property, the ownership of which is represented on the blockchain by a new NFT. It's important that the lands are contiguous, meaning they must share one of their four sides.

This new property, formed by combining two or more adjacent Lands, is called an 'Estate'. You can find out more about Estates HERE.

What are the contract addresses of Land and Estate?

Land and Estate are represented as NFTs on the Polygon blockchain, based on the ERC-721 standard.

Coderblock Lands have the contract address 0xf4b0c69d94f3a2a26b7e37f9876baab99eb4cb77

Coderblock Estates have the contract address: 0x7bff9377e0093b385c3f8ab1ad6d2bd79f07b857

How do I get to a specific land?

If you know its location within the Open World, for example if you know it's near a landmark you know, you can reach it by freely navigating the virtual environment, passing through other lands to get there.

When you enter the open world, you'll find yourself in Oasis town and you can use it as a reference point.

Alternatively, if you know the coordinates of the land you want to go to, you can create a direct link like this.

Last updated