
Pressing ESC key within a virtual world will give you access to the Menù.

Coderblock Menu

To exit the menu and return to the virtual world, simply press ESC again or click the arrow in the top left corner of the menu.

Here's an overview of the sections and what they do:

  • DASHBOARD: view your profile features and statistics and continue customising your avatar. Click HERE for more details.

  • NOTICES: receive notifications from the Coderblock team when there's important information to share.

  • SETTINGS: change sound and graphics settings within the virtual world.

  • MAIN MENU: use this section to navigate to the Open World and Spaces section.

  • LOGOUT: Click this button to logout of Coderblock.

  • INVENTORY: Coming Soon

  • FRIENDS: Coming Soon

  • SKILLS: Coming Soon

  • QUESTS: Coming Soon

Last updated