Your properties

Your lands are certified properties, and the Metamask wallet is the guarantor that allows you to manage them within Coderblock.

Once you are logged into the platform, click on "My Properties" in the left sidebar.

A message will invite you to connect the wallet: click on the button (1) and the extension will open to ask for permission to connect.

Click on Next (2) and right after on Connect (3).

Now that the wallet is connected, you have an overview of all your properties.

From this view, you can access the individual parcels or the management tools to create an estate (a consolidated parcel consisting of several adjoining parcels), put it up for rent, manage it, or sell it. We will talk about this later.

Lands are displayed by default with a thumbnail showing their location, a name showing their coordinates, and a default description.

Click on a land to customize it.

Last updated